An open call to join in the 2019 Redbridge Green Fair, the longest surviving green fair in London
We are a community of passionate volunteers from all walks of life. We warmly extend an open call to anybody within the community wanting to be involved and to those outside the borough that want to meet us.
Redbridge Green Fair, Sunday 7 July 2019, 11.30-7, Melbourne Field, Valentines Park, Ilford
We are open to all ideas, however big or small that support...
Community … environmental sustainability... the arts… health... well being… inclusion... the local economy... neighbour networks… sharing economy... justice...
Perhaps you have a talent, skill, product or solution to share and bring to others, or a great idea to test out on an interested and varied crowd, a local or national issue you’d like to highlight, or you’re new to the area and would like to forge new friendships or contacts.
The Redbridge Green Fair is a well established, vibrant, popular outdoor fair with excellent engagement and community spirit and we are looking for you to bring your ideas and activities to make this year's event bigger and better than ever.
We can help you bring you idea to life by connecting you with others and helping you raise funds.
Get in touch today! [email protected] / 07957 534908
We are a community of passionate volunteers from all walks of life. We warmly extend an open call to anybody within the community wanting to be involved and to those outside the borough that want to meet us.
Redbridge Green Fair, Sunday 7 July 2019, 11.30-7, Melbourne Field, Valentines Park, Ilford
We are open to all ideas, however big or small that support...
Community … environmental sustainability... the arts… health... well being… inclusion... the local economy... neighbour networks… sharing economy... justice...
Perhaps you have a talent, skill, product or solution to share and bring to others, or a great idea to test out on an interested and varied crowd, a local or national issue you’d like to highlight, or you’re new to the area and would like to forge new friendships or contacts.
The Redbridge Green Fair is a well established, vibrant, popular outdoor fair with excellent engagement and community spirit and we are looking for you to bring your ideas and activities to make this year's event bigger and better than ever.
We can help you bring you idea to life by connecting you with others and helping you raise funds.
Get in touch today! [email protected] / 07957 534908