Eco HouseThe Eco-House is an interactive walk-through display featuring graphical wall and floor panels that divide it into a living room, kitchen and bathroom.
The house shows features that you can fit in your own home to make it more environmentally friendly, such as insulation, energy-efficient appliances and solar panels. It even has a real toilet cistern so that visitors can be shown how to fit water-saving devices! Information panels are displayed all over the house to explain how different features work, and how much money they could save you. |
"The Eco-house really brings the message home. This a great example of how looking after the environment can immediately benefit families, as reducing energy usage in our homes will help keep the bills down. It's easy to forget just how much energy can be wasted simply by leaving appliances on standby or by not switching off televisions and radios when they are not being used."
Cllr Joe Goldberg, Cabinet Member for Finance and Sustainability, Haringey Council.
Cllr Joe Goldberg, Cabinet Member for Finance and Sustainability, Haringey Council.